Some people think milk is milk. You would think a statement like that could be true but unfortunately, it’s far from the truth. There are so many factors that go into the taste and quality of the milk. When Tom and I started farming we knew we wanted to produce the best milk possible to nourish our family. So how do we make this special milk? Well, in our opinion the factors that affect the milk include the land(soil), the animals, and the processing techniques to get to the final product.

The soil and grass that feed the cows is a crucial part of the quality of milk. Just like the milk, we want to keep this land as natural as possible. That means no chemical fertilizers, pesticides or anything the land would not receive in its natural from. Therefore, being certified organic is very important to us. I want the milk that my family and I are consuming to be as clean as possible and the outcome of chemical fertilizers, GMO’s and pesticides are not good for the land, the animals, the milk, or us! We are farming with the future in mind for our farm and family to come!

The next crucial part of getting to that delicious milk is the cow. Our cows are all 100% grass-fed, meaning they are fed no grain or corn. In the spring, summer and fall months our cows rotationally graze, getting a new paddock of grass every 12 hours. The paddock then gets a substantial rest period to allow for healthy regrowth, this pattern mimics nature and regenerates our soils. In the winter they are fed dry hay and bailage (fermented hay) that we have processed ourselves in the summer months. Something most people don’t know is that when you feed a cow only grass her annual milk production will be cut in half. This results in less stress for the cow and she will live a much longer and happier life. Also, it makes the best milk with an average of 30% to 40% more vitamins and minerals than grain-fed cows. We believe cows were meant to eat just grass and we see and taste the difference in the health of the cow and the milk she so kindly shares with us!

Our cows have all been genetically tested and confirmed to produce only A2 beta casein protein. Now this might not affect the taste of the milk, but its benefits are in direct correlation with our guts and how our bodies digest and metabolize the milk. It’s believed that cows originally only produced A2 beta casein protein, but a genetic mutation occurred resulting in the A1 protein. When both proteins or just A1 is consumed it is harder for our bodies to recognize and then harder for our bodies to digest resulting in a variety of issues. All human breast milk is made up of only A2 beta casein protein so when I wean my children, I want to give them milk that is as close to what they had been getting. I have three young children and thankfully I have had no issues introducing dairy into their diets yet. Incredibly we have already had a large number of people telling us they couldn’t drink dairy due to the belly issues that follow, but after drinking our A2 milk they had no digestive issues.

The final factors that allow the milk to be superior is how it is processed. Our milk is gently pasteurized, so it is heated to a lower temperature then that of most milk on the shelves. This preserves the nutrients, flavor and composition of the milk. Our milk is full fat and cream-top, and we wouldn’t offer it any other way. The good fat (from grass-fed animals) in milk is left right where it should be. The fat that is naturally occurring in the milk is beneficial to our bodies. When milk is homogenized it is forced through a strainer to break up the particles within, resulting in milk that has a uniform appearance to the eye but can again result in our bodies having a harder time recognizing it. This fat in the milk is fat that our bodies can use to keep us and our children going during the day, don’t be tricked into thinking otherwise. All you must do is give it a good shake and you will, taste and feel the difference of that creamy milk! And last the glass bottles.  First, milk just tastes better out of glass! Second, it’s better for us and the environment. Its been said that plastic containers can leak contaminants into products that we are consuming leading to health issues and all the waste that is left behind when you throw away every container of milk has no benefit. Our bottles are reusable, so please try hard to remember to bring them back when you go to the store to get more and we will get them washed, filled back up and sent out!

To sum it up for y’all this milk is something we can all feel good about drinking. The cows feed off land that is taken care of and respected the way it should be. The cows are loved and well cared for (I joke with my husband all the time about how he spoils them). All joking aside the cows are part of our family and in a lot of cases they come first because when you get in from a long day to sit down for a meal you have been waiting for someone yells “the cows are out” you’re not filling your belly till they are all back safe and sound where they should be 😊. All my family and I are trying to do is work hard to keep the land, the cows, and the milk the way they were created to be. We are so grateful this is the milk we get to put on our tables and as always thankful that we get to share it with all of you!

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Thomas McGrath